Glory Destiny Wiki
Small Sea Jelly
Icon 021
Type General
Attack Ice Attacks
Wind 36% Fire 0% Lightning 119% Ice 56% Shadow 39%

Battle Skills[]

Skill Name
Skill 120 Icey Smash
Deals Ice Damage on the target and decreases the target's Evasion Rate by 20%. Lasts 6 seconds.
Skill 145 Wind of Protection
Pet's natural gift. Increases Hit by 30%
Skill 146 Wintery Breakdown
Deals Ice Damage on the target and decreases the target's Defense by 20%. Lasts 6 seconds.

Merge Skills[]

Skill Name
Skill 081 Hunting Steps
After you combine with your pet your Running Speed will be increased by 5%.
Skill 077 Lucky Stars
After you combine with your pet your Luck Bonus will be increased by 5%
Skill 105 Durable Defense
After you combine with your pet your max HP will be increased by 5%.