Glory Destiny Wiki

As the sentinels of the snow covered lands, assassins that prefer the power and force of a cold, solid blade always select the forge-wrought iron of the sword. By choosing the sword, the assassin gets the added benefit of the shield, surviving the toughest of battles where others may fall.

Observed on the front lines of combat, or protecting the sanctity of their realms, fighters that prefer the touch of a cold, hardened blade always select the noblest of weapons, the sword. By choosing the sword, a fighter appropriates the added benefit of a shield, strengthening their defenses and bringing that added touch of chivalry to the chaos of war.


Level Source
Sword 1 Guarding Long Sword Guardian Long Sword 30
Sword 6 Justice Slash Sword of Justice 30
Sword 4 Sword of Soldier Soldier's Sword 30
Sword 2 Blue Sharp Sword Green Sword 33
Sword 2 Evil Tooth Bayonet Toothy Short Blade 35
Sword 8 Bloody Thorny Sword Stone Age Sword 35
Sword 3 Spine of the Bloody Warrior Spiney Bloodsword 35
Sword 12 Plume Knife Plume Sword 38
Sword 10 The Punishment of Heroes Hero Punisher 40
Sword 7 Bloody Battlesword Azurian Battlesword 40
Sword 5 Cruelty Bone Sawer Jeweled Cutlass 40
Sword 6 Ancient Battle Sword Ancient Battle Sword 43
Sword 3 Dueling Glaive Duel Master 45
Sword 2 Tears of Goddess Holy Tears 45
Sword 9 Rainbow Glaze Machete Jade Machete 45
Sword 11 Crystal Feather Knife Crystal Feather Sword 48
Sword 12 Sparkling Sword Sparkling Sword 50
Sword 13 Green Icy Sword Green Icy Sword 50
Sword 11 Spectral Sword Spectral Sword 50
Sword 11 Knight's Leopard Archangel's Wing 50
Sword 4 Desert Machete Desert Machete 50
Sword 5 Mirages Blade Mirages Blades 50
Sword 12 Scorching Sun Sword of Cutting Steel Scorching Sun Sword of Cutting Steel 50
Sword 13 Nightfall Expeditionary Force Nightfall Wing 50
Sword 1 Saw Sword Saw Sword 53
Sword 16 Shining Hardness Shining Hardness 55
Sword 15 Skybreak Sickle Skybreak Sickle 55
Sword 14 Goddess Strike Goddess Strike 55
Sword 14 Obsidian Burn Sword Obsidian Burn Sword 55
Sword 16 Wind Guardian Sword Wind Guardian Sword 55
Sword 14 Vulture Claw of Leader Vulture Claws of Leader 55
Sword 15 Vacuous Vacuous 55
Sword 16 Inquisitor of Freezing Frost Inquisitor of Freezing Frost 55
Sword 14 Dragon Horn Double Blade Dragon Horn Sword 58
Sword 17 Dragon Cry Sword Dragon Cry Sword 60
Sword 19 Sword Dance Sword Dance 60
Sword 18 Dragon Slayer Sword Dragon Slayer Sword 60
Sword 18 Dragon Lord's Flaming Sword Dragon Lord's Flaming Sword 60
Sword 17 Dragoncave Sword Dragoncave Sword 60
Sword 19 Sacred Sword Sacred Sword 60
Sword 19 Sword of Eagle Sunup Sword of Eagle Sunup 60
Sword 17 Red Sword of Moon Night Red Sword of Moon Night 60

